Feminine Influence Finishing School

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Case Study: From Masculine & Miserable to Feminine & Free

Over the last several days I've introduced you to this concept of relationship readiness, specifically feeling so prepared and confident that you can have the man of your dreams long before he shows up.
It requires your Feminine Allure™.
Want to step into femininity as a form of influence, but you don't know how? Afraid that you'll feel fake, weak, or just plain weird?
It doesn't have to. Feminine Allure™ can feel as natural as taking your breath in the morning. I want to show you want I mean.
Dominique's integration of Feminine Allure™ has helped her to hold onto herself while letting love in.
Here's her story in her own words.

***When I first stumbled across Monique, I felt like I’d lost myself. I had to take charge and do everything. In my relationship with my son’s father, I did way too much. I tried way too hard and overextended myself big time. I placed too much pressure on the relationship and myself. I put a lot of pressure on making sure he was happy and good, and it backfired. He was fine with just taking. He was fine with everything, even though I was depleted and miserable. He was fine with moving on when it ended too.  After our relationship ended, I struggled with my value. I felt that I wasn’t good enough, and wondered I wasn’t worthy of reciprocation because this one person didn’t show me the love I showed him. It took me a long time to grasp that I was doing too much. I was truly in my masculine. Since he wasn’t here, I had to do all the work. I shut down. I cut off relationships because I didn’t want to repeat the pattern of losing myself completely in somebody else. While physically there, I stopped being present with my kids.

With Feminine Allure™, I noticed bits of myself come back.
As a mom, I wanted to become the strongest, best version of myself. I wanted my children to see who Mommy was, and show them how to grow from any situation that comes their way. After my breakup, I didn’t smile, I feel as attractive as I used to be, and I wasn’t happy. I wanted to become the best version of me. Monique helped me realize that I was operating in my masculine, which blocked me from the love I wanted. She showed me that this wasn’t love, and it was time for me to take my power back. Feminine Allure™ helped truly see myself for who I was, and who I was in danger of becoming if I didn’t wake up and make changes. I embraced silence as strength. I learned not to address everything, and that I don’t have to call or beg for attention. Someone can call, text, and initiate interest in me. Since joining the program, I see my self-worth. I see things for what they really are and move forward wisely. I know how to water my own garden instead of losing myself in someone or something else. I work at home, so I don’t usually get dressed or anything like that. Now I try to make an effort. I’ll do something to my hair, get dressed, and start smiling. I am more receptive to people. Even if someone’s not my type, I’m more open to meeting people instead of shutting down. In every aspect, I recognize that it’s okay to take care of myself, demand a certain type of energy from myself, and remain open to receive from someone else. I don’t have to over-give. I don’t have to put myself in positions that compromise how I feel about myself later. I can be myself and people will appreciate me being me and nothing else. *** There's so much more to Dominique's story that I couldn't capture it all with words. The video does it all.  To your enhancement, Monique P.S. I've been working with members behind the scenes and now I'm bringing it publicly.  The doors are open for the newest Feminine Allure™ program, Attract A Man You Want. Take a peek, see if it's for you, and join.