Feminine Allure #1: Put on a Happy Face
1, 2, 3… smile. Easier said than done, right? No, it’s really easy to do. I love to smile! Smiling often keeps me youthful, vibrant looking, and overall more approachable. I’ve observed others who frown so often, it’s like I can swipe a credit card through the middle of their forehead..smh. Not only does frowning make us look constipated, stiff, and mean, but it also causes pre-mature wrinkles, and I’m not having that!
Many have inquired about my teeth and want to know what I use to get them white. In the past, I used whitening strips. I no longer use the strips because it increased my tooth sensitivity. I combat tooth sensitivity by loading up on my veggies. Ever notice how teeth feel after eating spinach? Yucky, right?!…Well, while the green speck stuck in my tooth that everyone is trying to ignore isn’t a good look, the yucky layer is. That coating is protective film for my enamel.Now, to maintain my "white fence" I:
- Floss daily, before brushing. Flossing after brushing is also good to remove any debris the toothbrush couldn’t reach. Flossing is imperative!!
- Gargle and rinse with hydrogen peroxide for about 30 seconds. I do this no more than four (4) times per week as I don’t want to strip my tooth enamel. Given the higher peroxide concentration in the strips, I believe this is a safer alternative.
- Brush with both baking soda and toothpaste. I simply dip my toothbrush in the baking soda then add paste.
- Voila!