Feminine Influence Finishing School

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How To Act Around a Man You Like

Do you ever get nervous around a man you like? Well, assuming he’s available (he’s neither gay nor married) I have some tips for how you can avail yourself so you can get what you want… to send out signals that let’s him know you’d be receptive to his approach and to give him permission to come over to you.   Here’s the short version, if you want the full run down you can watch the video below. In the meantime, here’s a summary. 1)  Give him permission through your eye contact– Here, I’m not talking about eye contact where you’re burning a hole in someone’s head because your stare is so strong. I’m talking the eye contact that bears witness. When you’re present it’s a gift and it signals to a man that you’re able to hold your own and that you’re not a timid or unconfident woman. It takes practice. Practice “smizing” (smile with your eyes). Have fun! 2)  Use Your Body Language to Communicate Charisma- Body language is an outward reflection of your emotional condition, so keep your space open. Here’s why. When your back is turned or if you’re in a big group of women it can be difficult for men to approach you. Get yourself in his line of sight and use your body to communicate charisma.

3) Offer a compliment, then wait and smile. Did you notice his fresh air cut, his tie, or shoes? This is the mindset of the confident, alluring woman.Give him a minute because he might be wondering if you’re flirting with him. He also might be thinking about what he’s going to say next.4) Speak up from a place of connection, instead of trying to show your worthiness. This is important because it can backfire. I say backfire because when you’re in conversation, there can be a sense of “1-upping” and it leads to competition of who’s the better man.Instead of using conversation to show that you’re worthy and confident, use conversation for listening and connection. This will help you assess your compatibility.Here’s your assignment. I want to you to examine yourself. Scripture encourages to “examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine”. What are you believing for? Because whatever it is will be reflected in how you’re showing up.So tell me in the comments, how have you been showing up {!firstname_fix}? As you reflect, what’s been your intent in engaging with men? Is your intent to show show worthiness and interest? Or, is it to create connection?To your enhancement,Monique