How to meet quality men WITHOUT going online
Have you noticed that other love/dating/ relationship coaches are making it a requirement that you go online to meet men? I’ve noticed it too. It’s a THING! And it bugs me!I’ve had potential clients share how they were encouraged to send up to 25 messages per day. One gal even revealed to me that her coach wanted her to put a full body photo on a card and pass it out to men.Girl bye! I have to admit. It bothers me because while I think that approach might work for some women, it won’t work for everyone. The truth is only a tiny group of people will succeed that way. For the rest of us, we have to do something else.That’s why month #3 in the Feminine Allure Academy curriculum, you discover where to meet quality men. Not only do you define your definition of “quality” man, but you identify where you’ll most likely meet him, and strategize how to draw him in.What does that mean? You can meet quality men without the frivolous window shopping of online dating. It’s a proven framework that’s yielded results for both my clients and participants in my Meet a Quality Man of God Challenge.
I know it can feel daunting, exhausting, and even stressful to meet men nowadays.Plus, what if you exert all the effort and time, but you’re still missing the key piece of how to attract and keep the right man?Then what? It’s likely that you’ll feel like you’ve failed, again, and that’s no good.There’s a different way. I’m sure you’ve tried other ways before. Don’t you think it’s time for a new approach? The Feminine Allure Academy will do that for you.Here’s a little preview of what else you’ll get. You’ll:

- Position yourself and present yourself offline to attract men wherever you go
- Become more comfortable with yourself around men and potential love interests
- Create a sisterhood to help you cultivate the confidence to put yourself out there
This is your invitation. START HERE!