Feminine Influence Finishing School

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My Secret To The Perfect Salon Manicure At Home

Getting what you want out of life requires that you feel the part, believing that what you want also wants you... that it's for YOU.  A part of feeling the part is looking the part. 

Because when a woman feels good, deep down inside her being, her self-perception is strengthened, creating an inclination to tend to her outer appearance.

When your self-esteem is high, there's a tendency to want your outer appearance to match your inner feelings so that you're congruent and aligned for what you want in both love and life. Sometimes it's the other way around... tending to your outer appearance will make you feel good.

This concept is what I call The Cycle of Beauty™.

When a woman operates within The Cycle of Beauty™ she's operating in purpose, self-worth, and congruence, ultimately building momentum towards alluring womanhood!

I'm introducing a new thing... The Sacred Beauty Diaries.

This week, I'm revealing how I perfect the salon manicure at home. If you've been following me since my MotorCityMoxie days, then you'll remember my weekly manicure posts. 

If you've been in a slump and want a quick shift, starting with your nails is a great mood booster. This is essential to your vibe and Feminine Allure™.

Go here to watch this week's video tutorial so you can get started at home. 


To your enhancement,
