I'm Back + Knowing Your Season
You haven’t heard from me in quite some time because I’ve been away in a postpartum incubation period of resting, nurturing, and strategizing.
You know, as driven, passionate women, we all need moments to hear from God. And, Ecclesiastes 3:7 confirms that to everything, there is a season. A time to keep silent and a time to speak.
I’ve embraced my time to be still, and to honor grace over grind.
And now, I’ve got loads to share with you.
So, first things first…
If you’ve recently become familiar with me (via my YouTube videos) while I was away, welcome! In case you’ve forgotten, I’m Monique and I help single women of faith meet quality men so they can have a life-long loving relationship.
I just cut a video for you that reveals more, plus you’ll get to meet Amelia.
Next, I’ve got a new training that I’ve created just for you. It’s The 5- Step Guide My Clients Use to Find and Keep Mr. Right.
GET ACCESS RIGHT HERE: http://www.onlinemeetingnow.com/register/?id=h1sufby0ng
To your enhancement,Monique