How To Stay the VIBE, when it seems nothing's happening

Can you remain steadfast, knowing nothing happens overnight?Becoming the Alluring Woman who is totally cherished by men requires decision and intention.Like a marathon, you have to condition and train yourself for the outcome, and nothing happens overnight. It’s a daily commitment; the process takes time. There are bumps and delays along the way.At times, you may even want to give up, because it feels like it’s never going to happen. Especially when seasons and salaries improve, yet your love life doesn’t.Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to guard your heart diligently, for out of it come the issues of life.But, you don't guard your heart by pretending you don’t have one. This is the problem that gets in the way for so many women.One of the reasons they do this is to protect the soft places within that have been wounded. The problem is that it creates self-sabotage, because they’re fighting the necessary steps to create change.When you’re in an energetic fight, you’re countering change. Part of you holds on to the struggle because it feels familiar, or because you don’t really think you deserve what you’re asking for.

Whenever a woman pretends she doesn’t have a heart, she becomes emotionally unavailable and attracts emotionally unavailable men.
I know you want to move forward to create the life you want. Am I right?Part of the process is only living in the energy you wish to experience in the future. When you do, you are shifting yourself to magnetically pull what you want into your sphere.Since your heart is your greatest magnet, to stay in survival mode and wait for someone to kick down your wall of reserve is a waste of time and a manipulative ploy for love.
Men require polarity. Like En Vogue, you need to be giving him something he can feel – emotionally. You can’t do that pretending there’s an icebox where your heart used to be.
No need to worry, for as long as you guard your heart correctly, and decide you are ready to receive your inheritance, the treasures of your heart will supply good things.To your enhancement,MoniqueP.S. Do you want support to prepare your heart, strengthen your mental and emotional fitness so you can receive, have, and flourish with the things you want? If so, apply for your Breakthough Call. 

When Men Notice But Don't Approach


Cultivate Feminine Allure Through Vibrational Alignment