Feminine Influence Finishing School

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Feminine Allure Does All The Work

You now know that the journey to love starts deep within - BEFORE you can attract a man you want.  You have to feel ready, capable and confident that you can attract the man you've always dreamed of, well BEFORE he crosses your path.  Your inner work creates the foundation necessary for internal alignment. That’s what yields results. Feminine Allure Tips the Game in Your Favor Looking on the outside, most people assume you have it all together. They're surprised to discover you're still single.  Sure you look the part, but when we look deeper, we find there’s a part of you that’s not developed sufficiently.  No worries though. You've learned to express your femininity. Now let’s EMBODY femininity. Feminine Allure™ makes this easier because: You'll STOP: feeling sorry for and bonding to men who ask you to "bare with me" even though he's not claiming you.   You’ll START: having the confidence to advocate for yourself gracefully because you own your dignity, but carry it lightly. You'll STOP: agonizing over why he hasn't called and scolding him when he finally does. You’ll START: speaking in a way he can hear and understand you. You'll STOP: being afraid of meeting the same kind of men who drain you and make you feel you should be taking the lead.   You'll START: mesmerizing men who not only see you, but ask you out, and communicate consistently. When you’re in your Feminine Allure™, you act like it. You’re 100% sure and confident in who you are AND what you want. You KNOW you have a plan that provides you direction so you don't ever allow yourself to default to your old way of letting your insecurity run the show and distract you from being your best you.  Essentially – and with all due respect – Feminine Allure™ keeps you from being the woman who will ignore all of the red flags, and my emails, and will get stuck.  It's your Feminine Allure™-- your mindset and presentation in how you do things that creates self-assurance -- that get you noticed. We have such a tough edge without realizing it. We’ve been brought up to be self-protected in a masculine-minded world. Learning how to share your feelings in a non-accusatory tone, learning how to be more of yourself, and having the mastery to remain poised and self-assured, even when you're upset, is priceless. And it magnetizes people to you…  and Feminine Allure™ is so much more than man magnetism. Should you decide it's your time to get mentorship, you'll see this as we dive into the process together. What you need right now is a confidence cure – and something you can commit to within a short period of time. That’s why I created a new jumpstart program, Attract A Man You Want.  Attract A Man You Want is a 12-week relationship readiness program that focuses on the inner work as well as the skills (both spiritual and romantic) necessary for you to blossom into the best version of yourself so you not only express femininity (appearance) but you EMBODY it (way of being).   It takes the effort off of performance (including the need to “look” a certain way) and puts it on connection, which is what men truly desire from you. Attract A Man You Want is perfect for you if you know you want love, but want to make sure you’re polished and prepared to claim your heart’s desires.  If you're reading this now it's because you're tired of running the same ole script. You DON'T want to be the same anymore, and you're READY for a change now! Go here to learn more and see if this program is right for you. To your enhancement,